La Golena
By La Jara in Mareno di Piave since 1891
LaGolena by La Jara
La golena is the Italian name for floodplain, which is an area of land adjacent to a river that stretches from the banks of its channel to teh base of the enclosing valley walls and experiences flooding during periods of high rainfall. La golena is the most fertile land because it is replenished by floods which generally bring rich mud deposits. For this reason, in some areas of the river Piave, near the Grave di Papdopoli, in the large floodplains, there are vineyards. This beautiful natural landscape reflects both an ancient history and a tradition which are strongly connected to the winegrowing and the winemaking.
Region, Country: Veneto, Italy
Appellations: Pinot Grigio DOC delle Venezie, Prosecco DOC Treviso
Farming: Organic since 1999 (ICEA)
Winemaking: Vegan
Soil: White Limestone Gravel